Source code for codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.build_ray_cluster

# Copyright 2024 IBM, Red Hat
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

    This sub-module exists primarily to be used internally by the Cluster object
    (in the cluster sub-module) for RayCluster/AppWrapper generation.
from typing import List, Union, Tuple, Dict
from ...common import _kube_api_error_handling
from ...common.kubernetes_cluster import get_api_client, config_check
from kubernetes.client.exceptions import ApiException
import codeflare_sdk
import os

from kubernetes import client
from kubernetes.client import (

import yaml
import uuid
import sys
import warnings
import json


            items=[V1KeyToPath(key="ca-bundle.crt", path="odh-trusted-ca-bundle.crt")],
            items=[V1KeyToPath(key="odh-ca-bundle.crt", path="odh-ca-bundle.crt")],

    "3.9": "",
    "3.11": "",

# RayCluster/AppWrapper builder function
[docs] def build_ray_cluster(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """build_ray_cluster is used for creating a Ray Cluster/AppWrapper dict The resource is a dict template which uses Kubernetes Objects for creating metadata, resource requests, specs and containers. The result is sanitised and returned either as a dict or written as a yaml file. """ ray_version = "2.35.0" # GPU related variables head_gpu_count, worker_gpu_count = head_worker_gpu_count_from_cluster(cluster) head_resources, worker_resources = head_worker_extended_resources_from_cluster( cluster ) head_resources = json.dumps(head_resources).replace('"', '\\"') head_resources = f'"{head_resources}"' worker_resources = json.dumps(worker_resources).replace('"', '\\"') worker_resources = f'"{worker_resources}"' # Create the Ray Cluster using the V1RayCluster Object resource = { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "RayCluster", "metadata": get_metadata(cluster), "spec": { "rayVersion": ray_version, "enableInTreeAutoscaling": False, "autoscalerOptions": { "upscalingMode": "Default", "idleTimeoutSeconds": 60, "resources": get_resources("500m", "500m", "512Mi", "512Mi"), }, "headGroupSpec": { "serviceType": "ClusterIP", "enableIngress": False, "rayStartParams": { "dashboard-host": "", "block": "true", "num-gpus": str(head_gpu_count), "resources": head_resources, }, "template": { "spec": get_pod_spec( cluster, [get_head_container_spec(cluster)], cluster.config.head_tolerations, ) }, }, "workerGroupSpecs": [ { "replicas": cluster.config.num_workers, "minReplicas": cluster.config.num_workers, "maxReplicas": cluster.config.num_workers, "groupName": f"small-group-{}", "rayStartParams": { "block": "true", "num-gpus": str(worker_gpu_count), "resources": worker_resources, }, "template": V1PodTemplateSpec( spec=get_pod_spec( cluster, [get_worker_container_spec(cluster)], cluster.config.worker_tolerations, ) ), } ], }, } config_check() k8s_client = get_api_client() or client.ApiClient() if cluster.config.appwrapper: # Wrap the Ray Cluster in an AppWrapper appwrapper_name, _ = gen_names( resource = wrap_cluster(cluster, appwrapper_name, resource) resource = k8s_client.sanitize_for_serialization(resource) # write_to_file functionality if cluster.config.write_to_file: return write_to_file(cluster, resource) # Writes the file and returns its name else: print(f"Yaml resources loaded for {}") return resource # Returns the Resource as a dict
# Metadata related functions
[docs] def get_metadata(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """ The get_metadata() function builds and returns a V1ObjectMeta Object using cluster configurtation parameters """ object_meta = V1ObjectMeta(, namespace=cluster.config.namespace, labels=get_labels(cluster), ) # Get the NB annotation if it exists - could be useful in future for a "annotations" parameter. annotations = with_nb_annotations(cluster.config.annotations) if annotations != {}: object_meta.annotations = annotations # As annotations are not a guarantee they are appended to the metadata after creation. return object_meta
[docs] def get_labels(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """ The get_labels() function generates a dict "labels" which includes the base label, local queue label and user defined labels """ labels = { "": "1.0", } if cluster.config.labels != {}: labels.update(cluster.config.labels) if cluster.config.appwrapper is False: add_queue_label(cluster, labels) return labels
[docs] def with_nb_annotations(annotations: dict): """ The with_nb_annotations() function generates the annotation for NB Prefix if the SDK is running in a notebook and appends any user set annotations """ # Notebook annotation nb_prefix = os.environ.get("NB_PREFIX") if nb_prefix: annotations.update({"": nb_prefix}) return annotations
# Head/Worker container related functions
[docs] def update_image(image) -> str: """ The update_image() function automatically sets the image config parameter to a preset image based on Python version if not specified. If no Ray image exists for the given Python version a warning is produced. """ if not image: python_version = f"{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" if python_version in SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS: image = SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS[python_version] else: warnings.warn( f"No default Ray image defined for {python_version}. Please provide your own image or use one of the following python versions: {', '.join(SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS.keys())}." ) return image
[docs] def get_pod_spec( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", containers: List, tolerations: List[V1Toleration], ) -> V1PodSpec: """ The get_pod_spec() function generates a V1PodSpec for the head/worker containers """ pod_spec = V1PodSpec( containers=containers, volumes=generate_custom_storage(cluster.config.volumes, VOLUMES), tolerations=tolerations or None, ) if cluster.config.image_pull_secrets != []: pod_spec.image_pull_secrets = generate_image_pull_secrets(cluster) return pod_spec
[docs] def generate_image_pull_secrets(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """ The generate_image_pull_secrets() methods generates a list of V1LocalObjectReference including each of the specified image pull secrets """ pull_secrets = [] for pull_secret in cluster.config.image_pull_secrets: pull_secrets.append(V1LocalObjectReference(name=pull_secret)) return pull_secrets
[docs] def get_head_container_spec( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", ): """ The get_head_container_spec() function builds and returns a V1Container object including user defined resource requests/limits """ head_container = V1Container( name="ray-head", image=update_image(cluster.config.image), image_pull_policy="Always", ports=[ V1ContainerPort(name="gcs", container_port=6379), V1ContainerPort(name="dashboard", container_port=8265), V1ContainerPort(name="client", container_port=10001), ], lifecycle=V1Lifecycle( pre_stop=V1LifecycleHandler( _exec=V1ExecAction(["/bin/sh", "-c", "ray stop"]) ) ), resources=get_resources( cluster.config.head_cpu_requests, cluster.config.head_cpu_limits, cluster.config.head_memory_requests, cluster.config.head_memory_limits, cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests, ), volume_mounts=generate_custom_storage( cluster.config.volume_mounts, VOLUME_MOUNTS ), ) if cluster.config.envs != {}: head_container.env = generate_env_vars(cluster) return head_container
[docs] def generate_env_vars(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """ The generate_env_vars() builds and returns a V1EnvVar object which is populated by user specified environment variables """ envs = [] for key, value in cluster.config.envs.items(): env_var = V1EnvVar(name=key, value=value) envs.append(env_var) return envs
[docs] def get_worker_container_spec( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", ): """ The get_worker_container_spec() function builds and returns a V1Container object including user defined resource requests/limits """ worker_container = V1Container( name="machine-learning", image=update_image(cluster.config.image), image_pull_policy="Always", lifecycle=V1Lifecycle( pre_stop=V1LifecycleHandler( _exec=V1ExecAction(["/bin/sh", "-c", "ray stop"]) ) ), resources=get_resources( cluster.config.worker_cpu_requests, cluster.config.worker_cpu_limits, cluster.config.worker_memory_requests, cluster.config.worker_memory_limits, cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests, ), volume_mounts=generate_custom_storage( cluster.config.volume_mounts, VOLUME_MOUNTS ), ) if cluster.config.envs != {}: worker_container.env = generate_env_vars(cluster) return worker_container
[docs] def get_resources( cpu_requests: Union[int, str], cpu_limits: Union[int, str], memory_requests: Union[int, str], memory_limits: Union[int, str], custom_extended_resource_requests: Dict[str, int] = None, ): """ The get_resources() function generates a V1ResourceRequirements object for cpu/memory request/limits and GPU resources """ resource_requirements = V1ResourceRequirements( requests={"cpu": cpu_requests, "memory": memory_requests}, limits={"cpu": cpu_limits, "memory": memory_limits}, ) # Append the resource/limit requests with custom extended resources if custom_extended_resource_requests is not None: for k in custom_extended_resource_requests.keys(): resource_requirements.limits[k] = custom_extended_resource_requests[k] resource_requirements.requests[k] = custom_extended_resource_requests[k] return resource_requirements
# GPU related functions
[docs] def head_worker_gpu_count_from_cluster( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """ The head_worker_gpu_count_from_cluster() function returns the total number of requested GPUs for the head and worker separately """ head_gpus = 0 worker_gpus = 0 for k in cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests.keys(): resource_type = cluster.config.extended_resource_mapping[k] if resource_type == "GPU": head_gpus += int(cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests[k]) for k in cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests.keys(): resource_type = cluster.config.extended_resource_mapping[k] if resource_type == "GPU": worker_gpus += int(cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests[k]) return head_gpus, worker_gpus
[docs] def head_worker_extended_resources_from_cluster( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", ) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: """ The head_worker_extended_resources_from_cluster() function returns 2 dicts for head/worker respectively populated by the GPU type requested by the user """ head_worker_extended_resources = {}, {} for k in cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests.keys(): resource_type = cluster.config.extended_resource_mapping[k] if resource_type in FORBIDDEN_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_TYPES: continue head_worker_extended_resources[0][ resource_type ] = cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests[ k ] + head_worker_extended_resources[ 0 ].get( resource_type, 0 ) for k in cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests.keys(): resource_type = cluster.config.extended_resource_mapping[k] if resource_type in FORBIDDEN_CUSTOM_RESOURCE_TYPES: continue head_worker_extended_resources[1][ resource_type ] = cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests[ k ] + head_worker_extended_resources[ 1 ].get( resource_type, 0 ) return head_worker_extended_resources
# Local Queue related functions
[docs] def add_queue_label(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", labels: dict): """ The add_queue_label() function updates the given base labels with the local queue label if Kueue exists on the Cluster """ lq_name = cluster.config.local_queue or get_default_local_queue(cluster, labels) if lq_name == None: return elif not local_queue_exists(cluster): raise ValueError( "local_queue provided does not exist or is not in this namespace. Please provide the correct local_queue name in Cluster Configuration" ) labels.update({"": lq_name})
[docs] def local_queue_exists(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster"): """ The local_queue_exists() checks if the user inputted local_queue exists in the given namespace and returns a bool """ # get all local queues in the namespace try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) local_queues = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta1", namespace=cluster.config.namespace, plural="localqueues", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) # check if local queue with the name provided in cluster config exists for lq in local_queues["items"]: if lq["metadata"]["name"] == cluster.config.local_queue: return True return False
[docs] def get_default_local_queue(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", labels: dict): """ The get_default_local_queue() function attempts to find a local queue with the default label == true, if that is the case the labels variable is updated with that local queue """ try: # Try to get the default local queue if it exists and append the label list config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) local_queues = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta1", namespace=cluster.config.namespace, plural="localqueues", ) except ApiException as e: # pragma: no cover if e.status == 404 or e.status == 403: return else: return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for lq in local_queues["items"]: if ( "annotations" in lq["metadata"] and "" in lq["metadata"]["annotations"] and lq["metadata"]["annotations"][""].lower() == "true" ): labels.update({"": lq["metadata"]["name"]})
# AppWrapper related functions
[docs] def wrap_cluster( cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", appwrapper_name: str, ray_cluster_yaml: dict, ): """ Wraps the pre-built Ray Cluster dict in an AppWrapper """ wrapping = { "apiVersion": "", "kind": "AppWrapper", "metadata": {"name": appwrapper_name, "namespace": cluster.config.namespace}, "spec": {"components": [{"template": ray_cluster_yaml}]}, } # Add local queue label if it is necessary labels = {} add_queue_label(cluster, labels) if labels != {}: wrapping["metadata"]["labels"] = labels return wrapping
# Etc.
[docs] def generate_custom_storage(provided_storage: list, default_storage: list): """ The generate_custom_storage function updates the volumes/volume mounts configs with the default volumes/volume mounts. """ storage_list = provided_storage.copy() if storage_list == []: storage_list = default_storage else: # We append the list of volumes/volume mounts with the defaults and return the full list for storage in default_storage: storage_list.append(storage) return storage_list
[docs] def write_to_file(cluster: "codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.Cluster", resource: dict): """ The write_to_file function writes the built Ray Cluster/AppWrapper dict as a yaml file in the .codeflare folder """ directory_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.codeflare/resources/") output_file_name = os.path.join(directory_path, + ".yaml") directory_path = os.path.dirname(output_file_name) if not os.path.exists(directory_path): os.makedirs(directory_path) with open(output_file_name, "w") as outfile: yaml.dump(resource, outfile, default_flow_style=False) print(f"Written to: {output_file_name}") return output_file_name
[docs] def gen_names(name): """ Generates a unique name for the appwrapper and Ray Cluster """ if not name: gen_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) appwrapper_name = "appwrapper-" + gen_id cluster_name = "cluster-" + gen_id return appwrapper_name, cluster_name else: return name, name