Source code for codeflare_sdk.ray.cluster.cluster

# Copyright 2024 IBM, Red Hat
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

The cluster sub-module contains the definition of the Cluster object, which represents
the resources requested by the user. It also contains functions for checking the
cluster setup queue, a list of all existing clusters, and the user's working namespace.

from time import sleep
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Dict

from ray.job_submission import JobSubmissionClient

from ...common.kubernetes_cluster.auth import (
from . import pretty_print
from .build_ray_cluster import build_ray_cluster, head_worker_gpu_count_from_cluster
from .build_ray_cluster import write_to_file as write_cluster_to_file
from ...common import _kube_api_error_handling

from .config import ClusterConfiguration
from .status import (
from ..appwrapper import (
from ...common.widgets.widgets import (
from kubernetes import client
import yaml
import os
import requests

from kubernetes import config
from kubernetes.dynamic import DynamicClient
from kubernetes import client as k8s_client
from import ApiException

from import ApiException
import warnings

CF_SDK_FIELD_MANAGER = "codeflare-sdk"

[docs] class Cluster: """ An object for requesting, bringing up, and taking down resources. Can also be used for seeing the resource cluster status and details. Note that currently, the underlying implementation is a Ray cluster. """ def __init__(self, config: ClusterConfiguration): """ Create the resource cluster object by passing in a ClusterConfiguration (defined in the config sub-module). An AppWrapper will then be generated based off of the configured resources to represent the desired cluster request. """ self.config = config self._job_submission_client = None if self.config is None: warnings.warn( "Please provide a ClusterConfiguration to initialise the Cluster object" ) return else: self.resource_yaml = self.create_resource() if is_notebook(): cluster_up_down_buttons(self)
[docs] def get_dynamic_client(self): # pragma: no cover return DynamicClient(get_api_client())
[docs] def config_check(self): return config_check()
@property def _client_headers(self): k8_client = get_api_client() return { "Authorization": k8_client.configuration.get_api_key_with_prefix( "authorization" ) } @property def _client_verify_tls(self): return _is_openshift_cluster and self.config.verify_tls @property def job_client(self): k8client = get_api_client() if self._job_submission_client: return self._job_submission_client if _is_openshift_cluster(): self._job_submission_client = JobSubmissionClient( self.cluster_dashboard_uri(), headers=self._client_headers, verify=self._client_verify_tls, ) else: self._job_submission_client = JobSubmissionClient( self.cluster_dashboard_uri() ) return self._job_submission_client
[docs] def create_resource(self): """ Called upon cluster object creation, creates an AppWrapper yaml based on the specifications of the ClusterConfiguration. """ if self.config.namespace is None: self.config.namespace = get_current_namespace() if self.config.namespace is None: print("Please specify with namespace=<your_current_namespace>") elif type(self.config.namespace) is not str: raise TypeError( f"Namespace {self.config.namespace} is of type {type(self.config.namespace)}. Check your Kubernetes Authentication." ) return build_ray_cluster(self)
# creates a new cluster with the provided or default spec
[docs] def up(self): """ Applies the Cluster yaml, pushing the resource request onto the Kueue localqueue. """ print( "WARNING: The up() function is planned for deprecation in favor of apply()." ) # check if RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition exists if not throw RuntimeError self._throw_for_no_raycluster() namespace = self.config.namespace try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) if self.config.appwrapper: if self.config.write_to_file: with open(self.resource_yaml) as f: aw = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) api_instance.create_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", body=aw, ) else: api_instance.create_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", body=self.resource_yaml, ) print(f"AppWrapper: '{}' has successfully been created") else: self._component_resources_up(namespace, api_instance) print( f"Ray Cluster: '{}' has successfully been created" ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e)
# Applies a new cluster with the provided or default spec
[docs] def apply(self, force=False): """ Applies the Cluster yaml using server-side apply. If 'force' is set to True, conflicts will be forced. """ # check if RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition exists if not throw RuntimeError self._throw_for_no_raycluster() namespace = self.config.namespace name = try: self.config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) crds = self.get_dynamic_client().resources if self.config.appwrapper: api_version = "" api_instance = crds.get(api_version=api_version, kind="AppWrapper") # defaulting body to resource_yaml body = self.resource_yaml if self.config.write_to_file: # if write_to_file is True, load the file from AppWrapper yaml and update body with open(self.resource_yaml) as f: aw = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) body = aw api_instance.server_side_apply( field_manager=CF_SDK_FIELD_MANAGER, group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", body=body, force_conflicts=force, ) print( f"AppWrapper: '{name}' configuration has successfully been applied" ) else: api_version = "" api_instance = crds.get(api_version=api_version, kind="RayCluster") self._component_resources_apply( namespace=namespace, api_instance=api_instance ) print(f"Ray Cluster: '{name}' has successfully been applied") except AttributeError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to initialize DynamicClient: {e}") except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e)
def _throw_for_no_raycluster(self): api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) try: api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=self.config.namespace, plural="rayclusters", ) except ApiException as e: if e.status == 404: raise RuntimeError( "RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition unavailable contact your administrator." ) else: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to get RayCluster CustomResourceDefinition: " + str(e) )
[docs] def down(self): """ Deletes the AppWrapper yaml, scaling-down and deleting all resources associated with the cluster. """ namespace = self.config.namespace resource_name = self._throw_for_no_raycluster() try: self.config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) if self.config.appwrapper: api_instance.delete_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", name=resource_name, ) print(f"AppWrapper: '{resource_name}' has successfully been deleted") else: _delete_resources(resource_name, namespace, api_instance) print( f"Ray Cluster: '{}' has successfully been deleted" ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e)
[docs] def status( self, print_to_console: bool = True ) -> Tuple[CodeFlareClusterStatus, bool]: """ Returns the requested cluster's status, as well as whether or not it is ready for use. """ ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.UNKNOWN if self.config.appwrapper: # check the app wrapper status appwrapper = _app_wrapper_status(, self.config.namespace) if appwrapper: if appwrapper.status in [ AppWrapperStatus.RESUMING, AppWrapperStatus.RESETTING, ]: ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.STARTING elif appwrapper.status in [ AppWrapperStatus.FAILED, ]: ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.FAILED # should deleted be separate return status, ready # exit early, no need to check ray status elif appwrapper.status in [ AppWrapperStatus.SUSPENDED, AppWrapperStatus.SUSPENDING, ]: ready = False if appwrapper.status == AppWrapperStatus.SUSPENDED: status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.QUEUED else: status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.QUEUEING if print_to_console: pretty_print.print_app_wrappers_status([appwrapper]) return ( status, ready, ) # no need to check the ray status since still in queue # check the ray cluster status cluster = _ray_cluster_status(, self.config.namespace) if cluster: if cluster.status == RayClusterStatus.SUSPENDED: ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.SUSPENDED if cluster.status == RayClusterStatus.UNKNOWN: ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.STARTING if cluster.status == RayClusterStatus.READY: ready = True status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.READY elif cluster.status in [ RayClusterStatus.UNHEALTHY, RayClusterStatus.FAILED, ]: ready = False status = CodeFlareClusterStatus.FAILED if print_to_console: # overriding the number of gpus with requested _, cluster.worker_gpu = head_worker_gpu_count_from_cluster(self) pretty_print.print_cluster_status(cluster) elif print_to_console: if status == CodeFlareClusterStatus.UNKNOWN: pretty_print.print_no_resources_found() else: pretty_print.print_app_wrappers_status([appwrapper], starting=True) return status, ready
[docs] def is_dashboard_ready(self) -> bool: """ Checks if the cluster's dashboard is ready and accessible. This method attempts to send a GET request to the cluster dashboard URI. If the request is successful (HTTP status code 200), it returns True. If an SSL error occurs, it returns False, indicating the dashboard is not ready. Returns: bool: True if the dashboard is ready, False otherwise. """ try: response = requests.get( self.cluster_dashboard_uri(), headers=self._client_headers, timeout=5, verify=self._client_verify_tls, ) except requests.exceptions.SSLError: # pragma no cover # SSL exception occurs when oauth ingress has been created but cluster is not up return False if response.status_code == 200: return True else: return False
[docs] def wait_ready(self, timeout: Optional[int] = None, dashboard_check: bool = True): """ Waits for the requested cluster to be ready, up to an optional timeout. This method checks the status of the cluster every five seconds until it is ready or the timeout is reached. If dashboard_check is enabled, it will also check for the readiness of the dashboard. Args: timeout (Optional[int]): The maximum time to wait for the cluster to be ready in seconds. If None, waits indefinitely. dashboard_check (bool): Flag to determine if the dashboard readiness should be checked. Defaults to True. Raises: TimeoutError: If the timeout is reached before the cluster or dashboard is ready. """ print("Waiting for requested resources to be set up...") time = 0 while True: if timeout and time >= timeout: raise TimeoutError( f"wait() timed out after waiting {timeout}s for cluster to be ready" ) status, ready = self.status(print_to_console=False) if status == CodeFlareClusterStatus.UNKNOWN: print( "WARNING: Current cluster status is unknown, have you run cluster.up yet?" ) if ready: break sleep(5) time += 5 print("Requested cluster is up and running!") while dashboard_check: if timeout and time >= timeout: raise TimeoutError( f"wait() timed out after waiting {timeout}s for dashboard to be ready" ) if self.is_dashboard_ready(): print("Dashboard is ready!") break sleep(5) time += 5
[docs] def details(self, print_to_console: bool = True) -> RayCluster: """ Retrieves details about the Ray Cluster. This method returns a copy of the Ray Cluster information and optionally prints the details to the console. Args: print_to_console (bool): Flag to determine if the cluster details should be printed to the console. Defaults to True. Returns: RayCluster: A copy of the Ray Cluster details. """ cluster = _copy_to_ray(self) if print_to_console: pretty_print.print_clusters([cluster]) return cluster
[docs] def cluster_uri(self) -> str: """ Returns a string containing the cluster's URI. """ return f"ray://{}-head-svc.{self.config.namespace}.svc:10001"
[docs] def cluster_dashboard_uri(self) -> str: """ Returns a string containing the cluster's dashboard URI. """ config_check() if _is_openshift_cluster(): try: api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) routes = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=self.config.namespace, plural="routes", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for route in routes["items"]: if route["metadata"][ "name" ] == f"ray-dashboard-{}" or route["metadata"][ "name" ].startswith( f"{}-ingress" ): protocol = "https" if route["spec"].get("tls") else "http" return f"{protocol}://{route['spec']['host']}" else: try: api_instance = client.NetworkingV1Api(get_api_client()) ingresses = api_instance.list_namespaced_ingress(self.config.namespace) except Exception as e: # pragma no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for ingress in ingresses.items: annotations = ingress.metadata.annotations protocol = "http" if ( == f"ray-dashboard-{}" or"{}-ingress") ): if annotations == None: protocol = "http" elif "" in annotations: protocol = "https" return f"{protocol}://{ingress.spec.rules[0].host}" return "Dashboard not available yet, have you run cluster.up()?"
[docs] def list_jobs(self) -> List: """ This method accesses the head ray node in your cluster and lists the running jobs. """ return self.job_client.list_jobs()
[docs] def job_status(self, job_id: str) -> str: """ This method accesses the head ray node in your cluster and returns the job status for the provided job id. """ return self.job_client.get_job_status(job_id)
[docs] def job_logs(self, job_id: str) -> str: """ This method accesses the head ray node in your cluster and returns the logs for the provided job id. """ return self.job_client.get_job_logs(job_id)
@staticmethod def _head_worker_extended_resources_from_rc_dict(rc: Dict) -> Tuple[dict, dict]: head_extended_resources, worker_extended_resources = {}, {} for resource in rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["template"]["spec"][ "containers" ][0]["resources"]["limits"].keys(): if resource in ["memory", "cpu"]: continue worker_extended_resources[resource] = rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0][ "template" ]["spec"]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"][resource] for resource in rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][ 0 ]["resources"]["limits"].keys(): if resource in ["memory", "cpu"]: continue head_extended_resources[resource] = rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"][ "spec" ]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"][resource] return head_extended_resources, worker_extended_resources
[docs] def local_client_url(self): """ Constructs the URL for the local Ray client. Returns: str: The Ray client URL based on the ingress domain. """ ingress_domain = _get_ingress_domain(self) return f"ray://{ingress_domain}"
def _component_resources_up( self, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi ): if self.config.write_to_file: with open(self.resource_yaml) as f: ray_cluster = yaml.safe_load(f) _create_resources(ray_cluster, namespace, api_instance) else: _create_resources(self.resource_yaml, namespace, api_instance) def _component_resources_apply( self, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi ): if self.config.write_to_file: with open(self.resource_yaml) as f: ray_cluster = yaml.safe_load(f) _apply_ray_cluster(ray_cluster, namespace, api_instance) else: _apply_ray_cluster(self.resource_yaml, namespace, api_instance) def _component_resources_down( self, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi ): cluster_name = if self.config.write_to_file: with open(self.resource_yaml) as f: yamls = yaml.load_all(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) _delete_resources(yamls, namespace, api_instance, cluster_name) else: yamls = yaml.safe_load_all(self.resource_yaml) _delete_resources(yamls, namespace, api_instance, cluster_name)
[docs] def list_all_clusters(namespace: str, print_to_console: bool = True): """ Returns (and prints by default) a list of all clusters in a given namespace. """ clusters = _get_ray_clusters(namespace) if print_to_console: pretty_print.print_clusters(clusters) return clusters
[docs] def list_all_queued( namespace: str, print_to_console: bool = True, appwrapper: bool = False ): """ Returns (and prints by default) a list of all currently queued-up Ray Clusters in a given namespace. """ if appwrapper: resources = _get_app_wrappers(namespace, filter=[AppWrapperStatus.SUSPENDED]) if print_to_console: pretty_print.print_app_wrappers_status(resources) else: resources = _get_ray_clusters( namespace, filter=[RayClusterStatus.READY, RayClusterStatus.SUSPENDED] ) if print_to_console: pretty_print.print_ray_clusters_status(resources) return resources
[docs] def get_current_namespace(): # pragma: no cover """ Retrieves the current Kubernetes namespace. Returns: str: The current namespace or None if not found. """ if os.path.isfile("/var/run/secrets/"): try: file = open("/var/run/secrets/", "r") active_context = file.readline().strip("\n") return active_context except Exception as e: print("Unable to find current namespace") print("trying to gather from current context") try: _, active_context = config.list_kube_config_contexts(config_check()) except Exception as e: return _kube_api_error_handling(e) try: return active_context["context"]["namespace"] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def get_cluster( cluster_name: str, namespace: str = "default", verify_tls: bool = True, write_to_file: bool = False, ): """ Retrieves an existing Ray Cluster or AppWrapper as a Cluster object. This function fetches an existing Ray Cluster or AppWrapper from the Kubernetes cluster and returns it as a `Cluster` object, including its YAML configuration under `Cluster.resource_yaml`. Args: cluster_name (str): The name of the Ray Cluster or AppWrapper. namespace (str, optional): The Kubernetes namespace where the Ray Cluster or AppWrapper is located. Default is "default". verify_tls (bool, optional): Whether to verify TLS when connecting to the cluster. Default is True. write_to_file (bool, optional): If True, writes the resource configuration to a YAML file. Default is False. Returns: Cluster: A Cluster object representing the retrieved Ray Cluster or AppWrapper. Raises: Exception: If the Ray Cluster or AppWrapper cannot be found or does not exist. """ config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) # Check/Get the AppWrapper if it exists is_appwrapper = _check_aw_exists(cluster_name, namespace) if is_appwrapper: try: resource = api_instance.get_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", name=cluster_name, ) resource_extraction = resource["spec"]["components"][0]["template"] except Exception as e: return _kube_api_error_handling(e) else: # Get the Ray Cluster try: resource = api_instance.get_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", name=cluster_name, ) resource_extraction = resource except Exception as e: return _kube_api_error_handling(e) ( head_extended_resources, worker_extended_resources, ) = Cluster._head_worker_extended_resources_from_rc_dict(resource_extraction) # Create a Cluster Configuration with just the necessary provided parameters cluster_config = ClusterConfiguration( name=cluster_name, namespace=namespace, verify_tls=verify_tls, write_to_file=write_to_file, appwrapper=is_appwrapper, head_cpu_limits=resource_extraction["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"][ "spec" ]["containers"][0]["resources"]["requests"]["cpu"], head_cpu_requests=resource_extraction["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"][ "spec" ]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"]["cpu"], head_memory_limits=resource_extraction["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"][ "spec" ]["containers"][0]["resources"]["requests"]["memory"], head_memory_requests=resource_extraction["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"][ "spec" ]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"]["memory"], num_workers=resource_extraction["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["minReplicas"], worker_cpu_limits=resource_extraction["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0][ "template" ]["spec"]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"]["cpu"], worker_cpu_requests=resource_extraction["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0][ "template" ]["spec"]["containers"][0]["resources"]["requests"]["cpu"], worker_memory_limits=resource_extraction["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0][ "template" ]["spec"]["containers"][0]["resources"]["requests"]["memory"], worker_memory_requests=resource_extraction["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0][ "template" ]["spec"]["containers"][0]["resources"]["limits"]["memory"], head_extended_resource_requests=head_extended_resources, worker_extended_resource_requests=worker_extended_resources, ) # Ignore the warning here for the lack of a ClusterConfiguration with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Please provide a ClusterConfiguration to initialise the Cluster object", ) cluster = Cluster(None) cluster.config = cluster_config # Remove auto-generated fields like creationTimestamp, uid and etc. remove_autogenerated_fields(resource) if write_to_file: cluster.resource_yaml = write_cluster_to_file(cluster, resource) else: # Update the Cluster's resource_yaml to reflect the retrieved Ray Cluster/AppWrapper cluster.resource_yaml = resource print(f"Yaml resources loaded for {}") return cluster
[docs] def remove_autogenerated_fields(resource): """Recursively remove autogenerated fields from a dictionary.""" if isinstance(resource, dict): for key in list(resource.keys()): if key in [ "creationTimestamp", "resourceVersion", "uid", "selfLink", "managedFields", "finalizers", "generation", "status", "suspend", "", # AppWrapper field "", # AppWrapper field "podSetInfos", # AppWrapper field ]: del resource[key] else: remove_autogenerated_fields(resource[key]) elif isinstance(resource, list): for item in resource: remove_autogenerated_fields(item)
# private methods def _delete_resources(name: str, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi): api_instance.delete_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", name=name, ) def _create_resources(yamls, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi): api_instance.create_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", body=yamls, ) def _apply_ray_cluster( yamls, namespace: str, api_instance: client.CustomObjectsApi, force=False ): api_instance.server_side_apply( field_manager=CF_SDK_FIELD_MANAGER, group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", body=yamls, force_conflicts=force, # Allow forcing conflicts if needed ) def _check_aw_exists(name: str, namespace: str) -> bool: try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) aws = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e, print_error=False) for aw in aws["items"]: if aw["metadata"]["name"] == name: return True return False # Cant test this until get_current_namespace is fixed and placed in this function over using `self` def _get_ingress_domain(self): # pragma: no cover config_check() if self.config.namespace != None: namespace = self.config.namespace else: namespace = get_current_namespace() domain = None if _is_openshift_cluster(): try: api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) routes = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="routes", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for route in routes["items"]: if ( route["spec"]["port"]["targetPort"] == "client" or route["spec"]["port"]["targetPort"] == 10001 ): domain = route["spec"]["host"] else: try: api_client = client.NetworkingV1Api(get_api_client()) ingresses = api_client.list_namespaced_ingress(namespace) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for ingress in ingresses.items: if ingress.spec.rules[0].http.paths[0].backend.service.port.number == 10001: domain = ingress.spec.rules[0].host return domain def _app_wrapper_status(name, namespace="default") -> Optional[AppWrapper]: try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) aws = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for aw in aws["items"]: if aw["metadata"]["name"] == name: return _map_to_app_wrapper(aw) return None def _ray_cluster_status(name, namespace="default") -> Optional[RayCluster]: try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) rcs = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for rc in rcs["items"]: if rc["metadata"]["name"] == name: return _map_to_ray_cluster(rc) return None def _get_ray_clusters( namespace="default", filter: Optional[List[RayClusterStatus]] = None ) -> List[RayCluster]: list_of_clusters = [] try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) rcs = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=namespace, plural="rayclusters", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) # Get a list of RCs with the filter if it is passed to the function if filter is not None: for rc in rcs["items"]: ray_cluster = _map_to_ray_cluster(rc) if filter and ray_cluster.status in filter: list_of_clusters.append(ray_cluster) else: for rc in rcs["items"]: list_of_clusters.append(_map_to_ray_cluster(rc)) return list_of_clusters def _get_app_wrappers( namespace="default", filter=List[AppWrapperStatus] ) -> List[AppWrapper]: list_of_app_wrappers = [] try: config_check() api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) aws = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1beta2", namespace=namespace, plural="appwrappers", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for item in aws["items"]: app_wrapper = _map_to_app_wrapper(item) if filter and app_wrapper.status in filter: list_of_app_wrappers.append(app_wrapper) else: # Unsure what the purpose of the filter is list_of_app_wrappers.append(app_wrapper) return list_of_app_wrappers def _map_to_ray_cluster(rc) -> Optional[RayCluster]: if "status" in rc and "state" in rc["status"]: status = RayClusterStatus(rc["status"]["state"].lower()) else: status = RayClusterStatus.UNKNOWN config_check() dashboard_url = None if _is_openshift_cluster(): try: api_instance = client.CustomObjectsApi(get_api_client()) routes = api_instance.list_namespaced_custom_object( group="", version="v1", namespace=rc["metadata"]["namespace"], plural="routes", ) except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for route in routes["items"]: rc_name = rc["metadata"]["name"] if route["metadata"]["name"] == f"ray-dashboard-{rc_name}" or route[ "metadata" ]["name"].startswith(f"{rc_name}-ingress"): protocol = "https" if route["spec"].get("tls") else "http" dashboard_url = f"{protocol}://{route['spec']['host']}" else: try: api_instance = client.NetworkingV1Api(get_api_client()) ingresses = api_instance.list_namespaced_ingress( rc["metadata"]["namespace"] ) except Exception as e: # pragma no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e) for ingress in ingresses.items: annotations = ingress.metadata.annotations protocol = "http" if ( == f"ray-dashboard-{rc['metadata']['name']}" or"{rc['metadata']['name']}-ingress") ): if annotations == None: protocol = "http" elif "" in annotations: protocol = "https" dashboard_url = f"{protocol}://{ingress.spec.rules[0].host}" ( head_extended_resources, worker_extended_resources, ) = Cluster._head_worker_extended_resources_from_rc_dict(rc) return RayCluster( name=rc["metadata"]["name"], status=status, # for now we are not using autoscaling so same replicas is fine num_workers=rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["replicas"], worker_mem_limits=rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["template"]["spec"][ "containers" ][0]["resources"]["limits"]["memory"], worker_mem_requests=rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["template"]["spec"][ "containers" ][0]["resources"]["requests"]["memory"], worker_cpu_requests=rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["template"]["spec"][ "containers" ][0]["resources"]["requests"]["cpu"], worker_cpu_limits=rc["spec"]["workerGroupSpecs"][0]["template"]["spec"][ "containers" ][0]["resources"]["limits"]["cpu"], worker_extended_resources=worker_extended_resources, namespace=rc["metadata"]["namespace"], head_cpu_requests=rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][ 0 ]["resources"]["requests"]["cpu"], head_cpu_limits=rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][ 0 ]["resources"]["limits"]["cpu"], head_mem_requests=rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][ 0 ]["resources"]["requests"]["memory"], head_mem_limits=rc["spec"]["headGroupSpec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][ 0 ]["resources"]["limits"]["memory"], head_extended_resources=head_extended_resources, dashboard=dashboard_url, ) def _map_to_app_wrapper(aw) -> AppWrapper: if "status" in aw: return AppWrapper( name=aw["metadata"]["name"], status=AppWrapperStatus(aw["status"]["phase"].lower()), ) return AppWrapper( name=aw["metadata"]["name"], status=AppWrapperStatus("suspended"), ) def _copy_to_ray(cluster: Cluster) -> RayCluster: ray = RayCluster(, status=cluster.status(print_to_console=False)[0], num_workers=cluster.config.num_workers, worker_mem_requests=cluster.config.worker_memory_requests, worker_mem_limits=cluster.config.worker_memory_limits, worker_cpu_requests=cluster.config.worker_cpu_requests, worker_cpu_limits=cluster.config.worker_cpu_limits, worker_extended_resources=cluster.config.worker_extended_resource_requests, namespace=cluster.config.namespace, dashboard=cluster.cluster_dashboard_uri(), head_mem_requests=cluster.config.head_memory_requests, head_mem_limits=cluster.config.head_memory_limits, head_cpu_requests=cluster.config.head_cpu_requests, head_cpu_limits=cluster.config.head_cpu_limits, head_extended_resources=cluster.config.head_extended_resource_requests, ) if ray.status == CodeFlareClusterStatus.READY: ray.status = RayClusterStatus.READY return ray # Check if the routes api exists def _is_openshift_cluster(): try: config_check() for api in client.ApisApi(get_api_client()).get_api_versions().groups: for v in api.versions: if "" in v.group_version: return True else: return False except Exception as e: # pragma: no cover return _kube_api_error_handling(e)